Saturday, April 9, 2011

Felt Egg Tutorial... for Scarlett!

To minimise the urge to splurge on chocolate for Butterfly this Easter, I made some felt eggs to include in our Easter hunt! I was pretty proud of them, although they do look home made. But they like, ARE. I usually don't watch craft tutorials myself, I'm more of a "just give it a go" kind of crafter. My good friend Scarlett Green wanted to know how I made the eggs. "I sewed two peices of egg shaped felt together" was apparently not explanation enough. So here is EXACTLY what I did!

What you need:

Felt rectangles in chosen colour/s (I just got mine from Spotlight)

Coloured thread


A needle

An upcycled egg carton

About 10 spare minutes per egg!

I made a stencil by, wait for it... tracing around an egg! Then I added about half a centimeter extra to compensate for the size you lose when you stuff it

Trace egg onto felt...

If you're lazy like me, you fold up the felt so you only have to cut once to make 4 shapes (hence two eggs) Choose thread the same colour as your egg
Hand stitched (my sewing machine is packed away for moving) as close to the edge as I dared. I think you could machine sew then turn the egg inside out to make it look nicer.

Leave a hole so you can stuff it. I stuff em pretty full!

Sew up hole. The egg will look round until you shape it up a bit

Ta daaaaa! Reeeeal technical.

I hope this answers all your unanswered questions Scarlett! If anyone can think of a way to improve my dodgy design, do tell! I've already made a dozen for this year, and another dozen for a friend who bribed me!

Happy crafting dudettes xx

1 comment:

  1. these would be great for egg and spoon races too.
