Hi there!
OK, so I was actually planning to write a book on eco parenting, but its in the too hard basket at the moment with an 8 month old! This fits in more with my FB addiction...
I started my eco parenting journey with a trial pack of modern cloth nappies, and from there started to try to make environmentally friendly changes in other areas. We practice part time elimination communication (read: twosies only) and are TRYING to buy more second hand toys and clothes. My current project is ridding the kitchen from plastic bags and cling wrap (which involves attending a LOT of Tupperware parties!!) I have a LONG way to go, but every little bit helps, right? And Tupperware is so pretty...
OK so just a bit about me...
I am mid twentyish, I have one 8 month old daughter and I have radically altered my parenting techniques in the last 6 months. Being a total nerd I sought parenting advice from a book, and unfortunately I picked up the wrong one. Luckily for us, through some Sausagey acquaintances I came to read the "Continuum Concept" and have started parenting with my heart instead of my head. Or someone else's head.
I also LOVE to laugh hard and often. I have phobias of using the telephone, fire and sharks. I am currently a stay at home Mumma, but am a Scientist by trade. I love my family, snakes and Wendy's mega choc shakes. I hate conflict. I empathise with kangaroos (I once copped a boomerang to the head, requiring stitches, it suuuuuuucked...)
Through this page I plan to share eco friendly advice and any other parenting tasties I come across. I plan to have themed "weeks" to spur me on to find out as much info on particular topics as I can. So if I am getting slack on this front feel free to light a verbal fire under my bum! I am looking forward to having a MCN week, and have a giveaway planned but I think I will need to wait until I have a few fans (coz if I do it this week my two fans won't have much competition...)
I am so sleep deprived it has stunted my writing style methinks...
Is enough for now.
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